The Sonoran Desert in the southwest of the United States can be oppressive in the summer. It can become hotter than 40 degrees Celsius. There is very little clouds or trees. The sidewalk can become so hot it burns if you accidentally touch it. The sun can become very intense. The air around you can feel like a dry sauna.
I prefer to do my work outside in the autumn. At that time the sun is lower in the sky. There are longer shadows. The sun is less intense. The temperature can still be very warm. This year the days were above 30 degrees Celsius, but this is not as hot as summer. The heat from concrete and air become less fearsome.
I will spend time outside trimming trees. I have a Mesquite, Lime and a Fig tree. The Mesquite is a desert tree and grows very quickly so it needs lots of trimming. Rocks are a popular ground cover in Phoenix. I will spend some time raking the rocks and making them look nicer. Lastly, I will spend time fixing any damage done from the Monsoons.
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